The information contained herein was created as a prototype for a Savannah College of Art and Design Course done in collaboration with Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation and should not be considered an official representation of Gulfstream Aerospace.

My Gulfstream Designer is an immersive customization tool for Gulfstream's g450 model of aircraft. users can Walk around the interior of the cabin, customize the furniture, cabin configurations, and change the surface materials.


My Gulfstream Designer was created as a collaboration between Savannah College of Art and Design and Gulfstream Aerospace Company. During this project, SCAD Collaboration Learning Center students were Asked by Gulfstream Aerospace to develop a new, immersive customization tool for the visualization of their aircraft interiors. We created this Aeronautical Customization tool for use with PC, VR, and mobile with the unreal engine 4.


My role

I was a member of the Tech Team with Tech Lead Ben Esler, as well as Daniel Pomidor, Trey McNair and Will Preston. I optimized models for mobile implementation. I troubleshooted and assisted Ben Esler with his blueprint scripts. I worked with the actor class blueprints to set dress the modular chunks of the plane.

Example shots of parts that I helped put together interior the interior of the cabin